Ansdimat > Latest changes

Here are some of the key new features of ANSDIMAT v.17 (19.04.2022)

• New software graphical user interface;
• Updated help system;
• AnsCon – The first version of the contaminant transport module is available. This module is further improving with new solutions and methods being continuously added

Earlier versions


VERSION 16 (01.08.2021)

• AnsAem: Module AnsAem is available. This module enables modelling using analytical element methods;
• Hydrogeologist Workbench: a new solution is added that includes drawdown calculation for pumping from a partially penetrating well in unconfined aquifer with boundaries;
• Mine dewatering: - hydrodynamic boundaries are included in calculations for groundwater inflow to open pits;
- solutions are included for prediction of groundwater inflows in underground mine (stopes) for variety of conceptual models and boundary conditions.

VERSION 15 (23.07.2020)

• Updated demo version;
• Mine dewatering: Groundwater inflow to open pit is now can be calculated for partially penetrating pits, accounting for anisotropy, leaky aquifers and additional conceptual models;
• Aquifer test interpretation: new graphical method of interpretation is added that is based on plotting deviation of factual drawdown from calculated drawdown.


v. 14.11 (04.03.20)
• Added an analytical solution based on Laplace transformation for interpretation of constant-drawdown tests in leaky aquifers. The solution can account for partial penetration, borehole skin and aquitard storage
• The Hydrogeologist workbench now includes calculation of radius of influence based on testing rate and recharge and calculation of the radius of influence when the well function is approaching 0
• The Hydrogeologist workbench allows determination of aquifer hydraulic properties for pumping tests near the 1-st and the 3-rd types of hydrodynamic boundaries using drawdown derivatives
• The Hydrogeologist Workbench now includes a function to use constant flow hydrodynamic boundary to determine inflow into a trench.

v. 14.10.6 (17.01.20)
• The Unit converter now includes a function for conversion of dynamic viscosity to kinematic viscosity
• The dialog window “Parameters” now includes density as a function of temperature and viscosity as a function of density and temperature
• The tool “Coordinates” now includes a calculator for distances between point and line in plane and space
• The tool “Coordinates” now includes a new tab “Triangle” allowing to calculate angles, sides and areas of triangles. The tab “Triangle” also includes conversion of water levels from measurements in inclined wells.

v. 14.10.5 (02.12.19)
• User-specified time set up for the 2nd zone of WHPA in AMWELLS.

v. 14.10.4 (29.11.19)
• In the Aquifer Test module, a type-curve interpretation method (straight-line) was added for a partially penetrating well in confined aquifer. The solutions are introduced separately for observation wells and piezometers.

v. 14.10.3 (15.11.19)
• AMWELLS now includes a function to automatically assign depth-variable penetration of pumping wells in the “Well systems” dialog box
• For vertical drains in AMWELLS it is now possible to assign drawdown by interpolation between entered values in the first and the last wells.

v. 14.10.1 (13.11.19)
• Added dialog window for calculations of recharge based on water level monitoring in observation wells.

v. 14.10 (11.11.19)
• In the Hydrogeologist workbench, a solution was added for interpretation of Lugeon packer tests
• In the Hydrogeologist Workbench/inflow, the pit inflow tab now includes a function for calculation of inflow in multi-layered aquifers
• In the Hydrogeologist workbench, the options for the step-drawdown test (well efficiency) were extended to include manual corrections of approximating straight lines.

v. 14.9.3 (01.10.19)
• In the Hydrogeologist workbench\Drawdown\ Semi-infinite dialog window, and additional parameter, distance to image well, is added
• In the Hydrogeologist Workbench/inflow, the tool for calculation of inflow into horizontal and vertical drain holes has been improved
• In the Hydrogeologist Workbench, the parameter calculator for pumping near river now includes calculation of hydraulic conductivity based on steady state drawdowns in observation wells that are located on lines parallel or perpendicular to the river. The calculator accounts for river bed conductance in confined, unconfined and leaky aquifers
• In the Hydrogeologist Workbench, the dialog window “Two wells” has been added to allow estimating hydraulic conductivity in confined and unconfined aquifers based in observations in two wells in quasi-steady-state regime
• In the Hydrogeologist Workbench, the drawdown calculator in semi-infinite aquifer now includes the possibility to account for water level fluctuations at the 1-st type boundary.

v. 14.9.2 (08.08.19)
• In the Hydrogeologist Workbench\Drawdown\leaky aquifer, the drawdown in leaky aquifers can now be calculated based on drawdowns in two observation wells under the steady state regime without relating it to transmissivity.

v. 14.9 (01.08.19)
• Analytical model (AMWELLS module) now includes a function for well layout along polyline
• In Analytical model (AMWELLS module), it is now possible to select a group of pumping wells to plot their total pumping rate
• In AMWELLS, the tool for distance measurements and drawing tool for isolines have been improved
• In Analytical models (AMWELLS module), isolines are now drawn based not only on gridded values, but also on head/drawdown values in observation wells
• In WHPA module, there is now possibility to select hydraulic head for particle tracking based on either time for the third zone of WHPA or time in the AMWELLS model.


1. In the Hydrogeologist Workbench, a tool for calculation of inflow in horizontal and vertical drain holes has been added
2. The Aquifer Test Interpretation module can now take into account river stage fluctuations
3. Inclusion of recharge into WHPA module.


1. The Aquifer Test Interpretation module now includes a Wizard to facilitate designing a new aquifer test project in Editor
2. The Aquifer Test Interpretation module now includes additional and improved analytical solutions for
- borehole effects, such as partial penetration, bore storage and skin
- fracture-porous media
- slug tests in conditions of non-instantaneous change of initial water level
- two-layer unconfined aquifers accounting with capillary fringe
- multi-layer aquifer systems accounting for borehole effects
3. Most of the new solutions are based on Laplace transformations with the use of Stehfest algorithm.


1. ANSDIMAT+, AMWELLS and ANSQUICK modules now include semi-numerical solutions for drawdown in multi-layered systems. The solutions account for hydrodynamic boundaries
2. The Aquifer Test Interpretation module now includes additional interpretation methods using long-term monitoring data for partially penetrating wells in unconfined, confined, two-layer and leaky aquifers
3. The Aquifer Test Interpretation module now includes solutions for drawdowns in pumping wells with inflow from the bottom.


1. Additional solutions accounting for radial heterogeneity of aquifer for various types of tests (such as constant head tests, constant drawdown tests and slug tests)
2. The Aquifer Test Interpretation module now includes:
- Jacob’s correction for aquifer tests in unconfined conditions
- interpretation of aquifer tests near partially penetrating river now accounts for variable water level on the other side of the river
- improved solutions for inverse problems.


1. ANSPIT module (simplified mine dewatering assessment and design) and
2. Large data files imports.


1. AnsTrack module;
2. Delineation of Well Head Protection Zones;
3. More flexible model boundaries in AMWELLS (can differ from hydrodynamic boundaries);
4. Legend tool for drawdown plots;


Version 7 has been significantly improved by adding new calculation schemes and solutions, new modules for generating reports and data export in Word and Excel formats and modules for saving the current work and viewing the test analysis history. A set of newly developed calculation instruments for the user is included. The appearance of diagnostic plots is improved: coordinate axis indication and classic view of logarithmic axis are now available
Capabilities of ANSDIMAT software system have been considerably expanded also by incorporating the AMWELLS - original software for analytical modeling of water supply well systems (Institute of Environmental Geosciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint-Petersburg Division, 2012) created for engineers involved in estimation of groundwater supply, design of small and large water intake systems in various hydrological conditions, evaluation of environmental impact of water intake operation.
In V7 UCODE code is replaced by UCODE_2005 that provides for solving reverse problems basing on 64-bit operation systems.

V7 new features:
1. Newly included analytical solutions.
1.1. Solutions for horizontal and inclined wells in confined, unconfined and leaky aquifers basing, in particular, on WHI program algorithm (authors - H. Zhan и V.A. Zlotnik, 2001).
1.2. Solution for unconfined aquifer taking into account the unsaturated zone influence - WTAQ v.2 numerical code integrated (A.F. Moench, 2011).
1.3. Solutions for partially penetrating wells in confined aquifer are supplemented by those for semi-bounded and bounded aquifers.
2. Module for generating activity reports in Microsoft Office Word format.
3. Option for active plot export in Microsoft Office Excel format
4. Module for saving the current work in ANSDIMAT format
5. Module for auto-generating the test analysis history.
6. More opportunities for diagnostic plot appearance.
7. UCODE_2005 adaptation for solving inverse problems.
8. A set of additional calculation instruments for the user i. e. conversion of aquifer parameters and units, aquifer parameters evaluation, special functions computation, etc,
9. Graphic dialogues with sample hydrological profiles allowing prompt estimation of drawdown value at any distance from the well pumped at a constant rate (more than 12 conceptual schemes included)
10. AMWELLS - software for analytical modeling of groundwater well systems supporting 2D and 3D animation. Data exchange between ANSDIMAT software system and AMWELLS formats is available.


1. Analysis of aquifer tests in fracture-porous media
1.1.Solutions for drawdown in blocks and in fractures taking into account the pumping well storage capacity, skin effect in the pumping well and skin effect in fracture (Moench). Solutions consider various configurations of blocks and fractions, that is: 1) horizontal fracture system (slab-shaped blocks); 2) sphere-shaped blocks and 3)orthogonal fracture system.
1.2. Solution for drawdown in the vertical fracture for pseudo-radial (Gringarten, Ramey, Raghavan) or linear (Jenkins, Prentice) groundwater flow towards the fracture
1.3. Solution for drawdown in aquifer with a pumping well crossing a horizontal fracture (Gringarten, Ramey) either with account for or with no account for fracture aperture
2. Additional solutions for aquifer test analysis in two- or three-layer systems (Moench). Solutions for drawdown in aquifers and aquitards taking into account the pumping well storage capacity and skin-effect.
3. Drawdown solutions for aquitards within slightly leaky aquifer systems (Neuman, Witherspoon).
4. Additional solutions for drawdown in two-layer unconfined aquifer (Cooley, Case).
5. Analysis of tests in confined aquifers of variable thickness and for sloping unconfined aquifers, leaky or non-leaky (Hantush)
6. Drawdown solutions for confined or leaky aquifers anisotropic on horizontal plane (Hantush).
7. UCODE program adjusted to inverse problem analysis (with application to new solutions).
8 RADFLOW numerical code integrated in the program includes:
8.1. Graphical preprocessor for creation models in RADFLOW format;
8.2. A special module to run RADFLOW from ANSDIMAT program;
8.3. Graphical postprocessor for RADFLOW calculation results presentation in graphical or tabular form;
8.4. Help system for RADFLOW
9. Plotting hydraulic head graph and overlaying of drawdown and discharge rate graphs is now available
10. Easy access to editing input aquifer test data
11. Additional shortcut keys for most frequently used menu items
12. Extended interactive help system


1. Solutions for drawdown in the aquitard in pumped leaky aquifer system taking into account the aquitard storage and drawdown in the adjacent un-pumped aquifer;
2. 8 solutions for multi-layer quifers with various aquitard/aquifer relative positions;
3. Hantush’s solution for pumping in unconfined aquifer near river;
4. Solutions for constant-drawdown test: for leaky and non-leaky confined aquifers;
5. Green’s function based solutions for semiinfinite and bounded leaky or non-leaky aquifers. Graphical method using these solutions is now available;
6. UCODE program adjustment to solving inverse problems using analytical solutions newly included in ANSDIMAT system;
7. Graphical preprocessor for creating models for MODFE program;
8. Special module for running MODFE program through ANSDIMAT system;
9. Graphical interface /postprocessor/ for MODFE program output data;
10. Interactive help system has been extended, in particular, a chapter describing operation of MODFE numerical code has been included;
11. New special tools and display options for diagnostic plot analysis.


- The following solutions became available:
      1. For confined aquifer:

 1. Moench’s solution for drawdown in the observation well taking into account storage capacity of the pumping well, skin effect and storage capacity of the observation well;
2. Moench’s solution for drawdown in the pumping well taking into account its storage capacity and skin effect;
3. Popadopulos’s solution for drawdown in the observation well taking into account storage capacity of the pumping well
4. Popadopulos’s solution for drawdown in the pumping well taking into account its storage capacity

      2. For unconfined aquifer anisotropic on the vertical plane (for wells of full and partial penetration):

1. Moench’s solution for average drawdown in the observation well taking into account storage capacity of the pumping well, skin effect and storage capacity of the observation well;
2. Moench’s solution for drawdown in piezometer taking into account storage capacity of the pumping well, skin effect, storage capacity and shape factor of the piezometer;
3. Moench’s solution for drawdown in the pumping well taking into account its storage capacity and skin effect;

      3. For leaky aquifer:

1. Solution for drawdown in the observation well with account for storage capacity of the pumping well;
2. Solution for drawdown in the pumping well with account for its storage capacity

      4. For partially penetrating well in confined aquifer (linear source):

1. Moench’s solution for average drawdown in the observation well taking into account storage capacity of the pumping well, skin effect and storage capacity of the observation well;
2. Moench’s solution for drawdown in piezometer taking into account storage capacity of the pumping well, skin effect, storage capacity and shape factor of the piezometer
3. Moench’s solution for drawdown in the pumping well taking into account its storage capacity and skin effect;

- UCODE program was adjusted to solving inverse problems using analytical solutions newly included in ANSDIMAT system;
- Interactive help system was extended;


1. The following solutions became available for unconfined aquifer:

- Boulton’s analytical solution (alternative for the existing Boulton’s solution) describing the whole diagnostic plot and suitable for semiinfinite and strip aquifers;
- graphic-analytical relationship for recovery period: strait-line method for time-drawdown and time-distance drawdown plots.

2. Analysis of water-table drawdown in unconfined aquifer with account for leakage from underlying un-pumped aquifers was included.
3. UCODE program was adjusted to solving inverse problems using analytical solutions newly included in ANSDIMAT system
4. Data page editor was improved.
5. New settings for plot properties were added. Now existing plot settings are inherited when new project is created.
6. Interactive help system was extended


  • The following solutions became available:
  • For slug tests:
    • Cooper’s solutions for confined aquifer,
    • Bouwer-Rice’s solution for unconfined aquifer,
    • Picking’s solution for confined aquifer and non-instantaneous wellhead change
    • four Hvorslev’s solutions considering well construction and penetration,
    • analysis of slug test as a pumping/recovery test using any of the conceptual schemes included in the program
  • For unconfined aquifers:
    • analytical solution for water-table drawdown analysis,
    • graphic-analytical relationships: strait-line method (for time-, distance- and time-distance-drawdown methods), method of type line (for time- and time-distance-drawdown methods)
  • UCODE program was adjusted to solving inverse problems using analytical solutions newly included in ANSDIMAT system
  • Interactive help system was extended

Program interface was enhanced and some faults were corrected.