Ansdimat > AnsAEM

Module AnsAEM: Analytic element models that are commonly used to simulate steady state groundwater flow problems for a single layer within a variety of hydrodynamic boundary conditions

Groundwater Flow Modelling Using Analytic Element Methods

ANSAEM is a module for groundwater flow modelling using analytic element methods. These methods may be used, when groundwater flow predictions can be limited to steady state and one model layer, but have to incorporate heterogeneity zones and boundary conditions of complex shapes. Analytic element models do not require skills in numerical modelling or software, but can still be applied to solving relatively complex groundwater problems.

ANSAEM models can include vertical or horizontal pumping/injection wells and zones with various recharge or hydraulic property rates.

One important advantage of analytic element methods is that they do not require fine grid/mesh discretisation, while still permitting to model local features (such as ponds, dams, wells) in regional models.

Predicted hydraulic heads can be used for delineation of WHPA zones or contaminant transport modelling using particle tracking.

ANSAEM simulations are conducted using computer code SPLIT with GNU licence. SPLIT was developed by Igor Jankovic, Buffalo University Simulations (Bandilla K., Suribhatla R., Janković I. Split. “Win32 computer program for analytic-based modeling of single-layer groundwater flow in heterogeneous aquifers with particle tracking, capture-zone delineation, and parameter estimation. Version 3.0.” Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering University of Buffalo. 2005)