ANSDIMAT+ > Data input (Editor) > Data input >


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ANSDIMAT+ > Data input (Editor) > Data input >


Allows input measured drawdowns for times that  are listed in Table "Time (pumping)". If in measurements were taken at different times in different observation wells, the table "t - s" should be used.


Tabbed dialog for aquifer test observation data input: drawdown.


Explanatory table

"Time" column

Time is automatically copied from "Time" table. The time value is followed by the unit: d – day, h – hour, m – minute, s – second. For data processing time is converted to days

Columns with names of observation wells

Input drawdown data. The number of columns corresponds to the number of observation wells

"Insert row" button

Move drawdown values for the chosen observation well one row down. The number of observation points doesn’t change so the whole time series of drawdowns for this observation well is shifted down one step from the inserted row and the measurement for the last time is lost. Inserting a row affects only the data for one observation well

"Delete row" button

Delete the current measured value and moves drawdown values for the chosen observation well one row up. The number of observation points doesn’t change so the whole time series of drawdowns for this observation well is shifted up one step from the deleted row and the last time corresponds to a blank measurement. Deleting a row affects only the data for one observation well