ANSDIMAT+ > Diagnostic plot > Plot view >

Observation data symbols

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Navigation:  ANSDIMAT+ > Diagnostic plot > Plot view >

ANSDIMAT+ > Diagnostic plot > Plot view >

Observation data symbols

The window "Observation data symbols" allows to edit shape, size and color of data points in the main plot window. It is activated by selecting "Tools>Observation data symbols" or pressing SHIFT + F4 function key. It is also activated by a double left click on a data point.


"Observation data symbol" dialog box.


Explanatory table

"Well" list

List of observation or pumping wells, allows to select each well and edit the appearance of the related observation data symbols

"Symbol" option

Activates/deactivates symbols for observation data; applied only for the selected wells

"Line" option

Activates/deactivates line for observation data; applied only for the selected wells

"Circle" option

Activates/deactivates a circle under the current symbol for observation data; applied only for the selected wells

"Symbol" frame

Selection of symbols; applied only for the selected wells

"Line" frame

Width and color for of the line connecting observation data points; applied only for the selected wells

"Circle" frame

Circle symbol properties

"M" button

Saves properties for next projects


"Symbol" dialog box.


 Right mouse click on one of the fields of the well list produces a contextual menu


Explanatory table

Menu "Select all"

Selects all wells

Menu "Deselect all"

Deselects all wells

Menu "Invert"

Inverts the current selection