ANSDIMAT+ > Diagnostic plot > Plot view >

Caption and subscription

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Navigation:  ANSDIMAT+ > Diagnostic plot > Plot view >

ANSDIMAT+ > Diagnostic plot > Plot view >

Caption and subscription

The "Caption" window allows entering a title for the plot, edit the text and select its properties. It is activated by selecting "Tools > Plot title" or a double left click on the area above the plot in the "Main plot" window. It is also activated by a double left click on a text box.


"Caption" dialog box.


Explanatory table

"Backcolor" button

Selects the background color for the caption

"Transparent" option

Deactivates/Activates the colored background

"Frame" option

Activates/deactivates a frame around the plot

"Alignment" list

Selects the alignment of the title (justified right, left or both, centered)

"Font" button

Selects font properties (font, size, color, ...)


Example text information on the plot.


Explanatory table

Double click on text box

Opens dialog box "Caption"

SHIFT and LMB on text box

Auto filing last hydraulic parameters

LMB on text box and mouse move

Moves text box

RMB on text box

Deletes text box from plot