Ansdimat > ANS-IT

Module ANS-IT . The module ANS-IT is used for forecast of drawdown in pumping and observation boreholes with various hydrogeological conditions

ANS-IT is a tool for aquifer test design and planning

The module includes:
• Forecast of drawdown in pumping and observation boreholes with various hydrogeological conditions and hydraulic boundaries of the I, II and III types;
• Estimates of recommended pumping rate for aquifer tests to achieve target drawdowns in pumping and observation wells;
• Selecting best locations for pumping and observation wells in plan and profile for successful hydraulic tests ;
• Calculation of radius of influence for pumping wells;
• Accounting for partial penetration of wells, well-bore storage and skin-effect;
• Time-variable pumping rate;
• Assessment of recommended pumping duration for best application of graphical matching methods;
• Standard, semi-log or log-log plots for time-drawdown, distance-drawdown and combination plots;
• Forecast and plots of water level recovery during a test;
• Piezometric/drawdown maps and profiles;
• Data export and import in EXCEL.