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Semi-infinite aquifer: pumping near river (Cauchy boundary)
✓aquifer is confined or unconfined, isotropic, semi-infinite;
✓boundary represented by the river value is straight, of infinite length (Cauchy boundary condition);
✓pumping well is fully penetrating;
✓image well is single, image discharge rate being equal in value and opposite in sign to the discharge rate of the pumping well;
✓drawdown is estimated in the aquifer at any distance from the pumping well or river.
Semi-infinite confined aquifer with Cauchy boundary condition (for Shestakov's solution). a – cross-section; b – plan view.
In analytical solution Cauchy boundary at its location (actual boundary) is replaced by Dirichlet boundary (hydraulic boundary) that is moved at additional distance from a pumping well
Semi-infinite unconfined aquifer with Cauchy boundary condition (for Hantush's solution). a – cross-section; b – plan view.
Partially penetrating stream of finite width
✓the aquifer is unconfined; the case of leakage from the underlying aquifer is considered;
✓the boundary is partially penetrating river of a finite width.
Pumping test in an aquifer near a partially penetrating stream of finite width
Pumping regimes:
One well pumped at a constant rate
One or several wells pumped at a variable rate
Зеегофер Ю.О., Шестаков В.М. Методика обработки данных опытных откачек вблизи реки // Разведка и охрана недр. 1968. № 9. С. 38–44.
Hantush M.S. Wells near streams with semipervious beds // Journal of Geophysical Research. 1965. Vol. 70, N 12. P. 2829–2838.
Hunt B. Unsteady stream depletion from ground water pumping // Ground Water. 1999. Vol. 37, N 1. P. 98–102.
Zlotnik V. A., Tartakovsky D.M. Stream depletion by groundwater pumping in leaky aquifers // Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 2008. Vol. 13, N 2. P. 43–50.