ANSQUICK > Drawdown during aquifer tests >

Rectangular aquifer

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ANSQUICK > Drawdown during aquifer tests >

Rectangular aquifer


"Rectangular aquifer" dialog box.


Explanatory table

"Q, m^3/day" text box

Constant pumping rate of a well

"t, day" text box

Time for which drawdown is calculated

"s, m" text box

This field shows calculated drawdown. Entering a value in this field re-calculates the pumping rate

"k, m/day" text box

Hydraulic conductivity of aquifer

"a, m^2/day" text box

Hydraulic diffusivity of aquifer

"m, m" text box

Aquifer thickness

"Steady-state" option

Steady-state drawdown

"r, m" text box

Distance from the pumping well to an observation well. Calculated automatically by known distances from wells to the boundaries

"Lw, m" text box

Distance from pumping well to the left boundary

"Lp, m" text box

Distance from observation well to the left boundary

"L, m" text box

Distance from left to the right boundary

"Luw, m" text box

Distance from pumping well to the top upper boundary

"Lup, m" text box

Distance from observation well to the top upper boundary

"Lu, m" text box

Distance from upper to the bottom boundary

"Boundary conditions" frame

Boundary conditions

"I - I  :  II - II" option

Left–right boundaries – I kind, top upper–bottom – II kind

"I - I  :  I - I" option

All boundaries of the I kind

"II - II  :  II - II" option

All boundaries of the II kind

"I - II  :  I - I" option

Left–right boundaries – mixed conditions, top upper–bottom – I kind

"I - II  :  I - II" option

Left–right boundaries – mixed conditions, top upper–bottom – mixed conditions

"I - II  :  II - II" option

Left–right boundaries – mixed conditions, top upper–bottom – II kind

"T, m^2/day" text box

Transmissivity of aquifer

"S, --" text box

Storage coefficient of aquifer

"Ss, 1/m" text box

Specific storage of aquifer





I I  :  II II

Steady-state equation

I I  :  I I

Steady-state equation


I II  :  I I

Steady-state equation

I II  :  I II

Steady-state equation

I II  :  II II

Steady-state equation



Chan Y.K., Mullineux N., Reed J.R. Analytic solutions for drawdowns in rectangular artesian aquifers // Journal of Hydrology. 1976. Vol. 31, N 1/2. P. 151–160.