ANSQUICK > Drawdown during aquifer tests >

Aquifers and aquicludes

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ANSQUICK > Drawdown during aquifer tests >

Aquifers and aquicludes

Aquifers separated by aquicludes. Fully penetrating pumping well. Parameters of system are set in the table. The figure shows an example of cross-section with pumping and observation wells.


"Aquifers and aquicludes" dialog box.


Explanatory table


Thickness (m), hydraulic conductivity (m/d) and storage coefficient (dimensionless) of aquifers.

Rows white color – aquifers. Rows dark color  – aquicludes.


"m" column – total thickness of aquifers from top of system

"k" column – transmissivity (m2/d) and hydraulic diffusivity (m2/d) of aquifer

"S" column – specific storage (1/m) of aquifer

"t, day" text box

Time for which drawdown is calculated

"Q, m^3/day" text box

Constant pumping rate of a well

"si, m" text box

This field shows calculated drawdown in the selected aquifer

"Qi, m^3/day" text box

This field shows calculated pumping rate from wellbore capacity and aquifer (#1 or #2). Available for two-aquifers system

"Define drawdown in:" list

Select aquifer (or pumping well) in which calculated drawdown

"r, m" text box

Horizontal Distance from the pumping well to an observation well

"rw, m" text box

Pumping well radius

"rc, m" text box

Casing radius

"Number of aquifers" list

Number of aquifers in system (from 1 to 13)

"Boundaries" option

Setting boundary conditions

"I", "II" options at the top of the frame "Boundary conditions"

Semi-infinite system with boundary condition I kind or II kind

"I - I", "II - II", "I - II" options

Two boundaries. For strip, wedge-shaped and U-shaped system. For U-shaped system it is parallel boundaries

"Lp, m" text box

Horizontal distance from observation well to boundary

"Lw, m" text box

Horizontal distance from pumping well to boundary

"L, m" text box

Width of strip system or U-shaped system

"Wedge-shaped" option

Wedge-shaped system. Angle is selected in list "θ, degree"

"U-shaped" option

U-shaped system

"I", "II" options near with "U-shaped" option

Boundary conditions on the third boundary for U-shaped system

"Lp', m" text box

Horizontal distance from observation well to the second boundary of wedge-shaped system or the third boundary of U-shaped system. For wedge-shaped system it is distance calculated from r, Lw, Lwc и Lw'

"Lw', m" text box

Horizontal distance from pumping well to the second boundary of wedge-shaped system or the third boundary of U-shaped system

"θ, degree" list

List of angles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45 or 90 degrees. For mixed boundaries conditions (I - II) angles 4, 20 and 60 degrees are missing

"HP" button

For wedge-shaped system and U-shaped system show picture with plan

"Calculate Q" option

Calculated drawdown and pumping rate by analytical solution (no Laplace transform solution)

"Q" button

Plot of time vs pumping rate



Wikramaratna R.S. An analytical solution for the effect of abstraction from a multi-layered confined aquifer // Water Resources Research. 1984. Vol. 20, N 8. P. 1067–1074. 2) Wikramaratna R.S. On the components of flow resulting from abstraction in a two-layered confined aquifer with no-cross flow // Water Resources Research. 1985. Vol. 21, N 7. P. 985–989).


Laplace transform solution:

drawdown in i-aquifer

drawdown in pumping well (for r = rw)

where N – number of aquifers.


Analytical solution for two-aqufers system:

drawdown in first or second aquifer

i – aquifer in which drawdoun is calculated; j – adjacent aquifer


drawdown in pumping well


pumping rate from first or second aquifer

pumping rate from borehole