ANSRADIAL > Running MODFE program >

Solver parameters

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ANSRADIAL > Running MODFE program >

Solver parameters

The "Run MODFE" dialog box allows to input calculation parameters, create the input file and run the program.

The dialog box is launched from the main menu "Numerical models > MODFE > Run MODFE".


"Run MODFE" dialog box: solver parameters.


Explanatory table

"Title" frame

Three text boxes to enter the name of the model

"Method" frame

Chooses calculation method for MODFE

 "Direct" option

Direct method


Conjugate gradients methods

 "Closure tolerance for conjugate-gradient solution" text box

Indicates the accuracy for MICCG

"Run" button

Runs MODFE program. Input file is created automatically

"Create " button

Creates the input MODFE file (modfe.dat)

"Save " button

Saves the data in "Run MODFE" dialog box

"Cancel " button

Exits the program without saving data