ANSRADIAL > Model editing >

Generate the model grid (RADFLOW)

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ANSRADIAL > Model editing >

Generate the model grid (RADFLOW)

The "Create grid" dialog box allows to preset parameters for automatic mesh construction. The user can edit parameters of each block and layer in the graphic editor (see "Radius" and "Layer" frames).

- call button in the graphic editor window.



"Create grid" dialog boxes.


"Grid" tab

Radial and vertical model discretization

"The first block radius" text box

Specifies the first model radius (size of the first block in radial direction)

"The model radius" text box

The model size in radial direction

"Multiplier" text box

Specifies the factor for the block radial size. The length of each successive block equals the length of the previous one multiplied by the given factor

"Logarithmic mesh" button

Calculates the mesh in the logarithmic scale and show the results in tabular form (see the "Block size" tab)

"Apply the multiplier to the blocks" button

Calculates the radial irregular mesh using the multiplier and show the results in the table (see the "Block size" tab). The radial distance to each successive block equals to the distance to the previous one multiplied by the indicated multiplier

"Layer thickness" text box

Specifies the layer thickness that is the same to all layers

"Equal layer thickness" button

Specifies the layer thickness that is the same to all layers and show the result in the table (see "Block size" tab)

"Block size" tab

Table showing radial size of blocks and thickness of layers. The order of layers is the same as on the model grid

"R" column

The block number in radial direction

"Length" column

Block length

"Radius" column

Radial distance from the left edge of the model to the right border of a block

"Apply" button

Applies changes. Values from the tables are transferred to the model grid