ANSDIMAT+ > Aquifer tests analysis > Matching parameters (solving direct problem) >

Theoretical curve features

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ANSDIMAT+ > Aquifer tests analysis > Matching parameters (solving direct problem) >

Theoretical curve features

The "View" tab of the "Matching parameters" dialog box allows defining the appearance of calculated curves and their starting and end points. Changes can be made for selected observation wells (checkmark) as well as for a individual well.


"Matching parameters" dialog: calculation curve appearance settings.


Explanatory table

"Wells" frame

List of the observation wells displayed in the main plot window and possibility to de/select them

"Limits" frame

Text boxes to input the starting and end points of the calculation curve

 "Start" button

Defines the calculation curve starting point on the plot

 "Finish" button

Defines the calculation curve end point on the plot

 "Default" button

Calculation curve is plotted from the minimal through maximal abscissa values

"Line" frame

Width and color of the curve

"Distance" text box

Distance from the selected observation well and the pumping well (in case of several pumping wells, distances must be slash-separated)


Right mouse button click launches a contextual menu


Explanatory table

"Select all" menu

Selects all wells

"Deselect all" menu

Deselects all wells

"Invert" menu

Inverts the current selection


When going to the plot window ("Start" and "End" buttons) a red vertical line appears on the diagnostic curve plot that indicates the starting or the end points of the calculated curve.


Specifying the calculated curve starting and end points.


Vertical line is moved by LEFT and RIGHT keys or by clicking in the appropriate point of the plot. If key buttons are used, the step width is regulated by the following keys:

"1" – reduces the step twice,

"2" – increases the step twice,

"3" – reset to initial step value.

To return to the "Matching parameters" dialog push the ENTER key or double click to save the specified starting or end points; to abandon changes push ESC button.