ANSDIMAT+ > Aquifer tests analysis > Matching parameters (solving direct problem) >

Data correction

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ANSDIMAT+ > Aquifer tests analysis > Matching parameters (solving direct problem) >

Data correction

The "Data correction" dialog box allows for quick editing of aquifer test parameters. Edited data are used in current calculations and preserved only as long as the working session on the current project is not closed. The changes can be saved only through the editor. No cancel of changes is available in the dialog: initial parameters can be restored by reloading the project.

The dialog box opens from the main menu "Analysis > Direct solution", followed by the "Options" tab and clicking on the "Data Correction" button.


"Data correction" dialog box.


Explanatory table

"Test" tab

Edits test and aquifer parameters. Input text boxes are similar to those in the editor

"Constant rate" tab

Edits the constant rate value in  pumping wells. Data are loaded from the rate table of the editor

"Distance" tab

Edits horizontal distances from each pumping well to each observation well. Data are loaded from the distance table of the editor

"Screen level" tab

Edits vertical distances between the center of each screen in pumping wells to the center of each screen in observation wells. Data are loaded from the shift table of the editor. The same table also contains useful additional comments

"Well data" tab

Edits horizontal and vertical distances to flow boundaries in area and section, length of well screens in pumping and observation wells, well radius. Data are loaded from the corresponding table of the editor

"Last drawdown" tab

Edits drawdown values in each observation well for the time pumping was stopped. Data are loaded from the drawdown table of the editor. For slug tests this consists of the initial jump /abrupt change/ of hydraulic head in the tested well



The table on the left of the screen can be use to correct observed drawdown, recovery or rate values.