ANSQUICK > Groundwater mound >


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ANSQUICK > Groundwater mound >


The dialog window "Recharge" is used to calculate impact of recharge on water levels during aquifer tests.

The window is opened by "File > Hydrogeologist workbench > Groundwater mound > Recharge".


"Recharge" dialog box


Explanatory table

"ε, m/day" text box

Time-constant recharge rate, m/day

"Q, m^3/day" text box

Constant pumping rate of a test well, m3/day

"k, m/day" text box

Hydraulic conductivity of an aquifer, m/day. After entering this value, transmissivity is  automatically recalculated

"Sy, –" text box

Specific yield of an aquifer (dimensionless). After entering this value, hydraulic diffusivity is  automatically recalculated

"m, m" text box

Thickness of an aquifer, m. After entering this value, transmissivity is automatically recalculated

"T, m^2/day" text box

Information field displaying the transmissivity of the aquifer. Entering a value in this field recalculates hydraulic conductivity

"a, m^2/day" text box

Information field to display hydraulic diffusivity. Entering a value in this field recalculates the specific yield

"t, day" text box

Time (days) at which change of drawdown is calculated

"Time of maximum drawdown" text box

Information field to display the time (in days) after which recovery starts

"Decrease drawdown" text box

Information field - shows how drawdown decreases at specific times