ANSDIMAT+ > Aquifer tests analysis > Matching parameters (solving direct problem) >

Configurator for multilayered systems

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ANSDIMAT+ > Aquifer tests analysis > Matching parameters (solving direct problem) >

Configurator for multilayered systems

This dialog box opens from the "Matching parameters" dialog box.




Specifies aquifer parameters (thickness, hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient) for matching

"Configurator" tab

Number of aquifers (from 1 to 5) and boundary conditions on the top and bottom of the system

"Wells" tab

Aquifer N, where pumping wells are installed. Wellbore storage and skin factor (X - include) are included in calculations.

rc – casing radius;

k_skin – hydraulic conductivity of skin, m/day;

m_skin – thickness of skin, m.

Pumping well radius (rw) is specified in editor

"Load" button

Loads a configuration file from another project

"Clear" button

Updates the plot. Removes previously plotted calculated curves